What to Do on Bad Workout Days | Training Rescue 101
There are days when you walk into the gym feeling fantastic, expecting your first squat PR in months, or just eager to do your routine for the day, and somehow your entire plan crumbles to bits. On the other hand, sometimes you know even before you hit the mat that no asana will feel right, or you’re just too sore from the previous workout, and your body refuses to cooperate.
Whichever scenario sounds most familiar, chances are you’ve had your share of bad workout days, and you’d gladly forget all about them. However, there are some simple ways you can adjust your workout on those bleak days and still make the most out of your fitness routine!
Define Progress
Even though it’s healthy to be competitive with yourself and strive to overcome your current abilities, progress is rarely, if ever, linear. It has many important aspects, including learning the mechanics of a movement, increasing your endurance or strength, or pushing your body further into a...