I love when good things never die! I'm happy to report that Girls' Night Out events (#NBGNO) will continue to pop up across the country and eventually circle back to New York City in September. The next one is in Santa Monica on Wednesday, August 27th at 6.30pm at the NB Store on 2600 Wilshire Boulevard.
Hosting the Girls' Night Out campaign for New Balance was one of the highlights of my summer. I got to work out and connect with so many amazing women who believe in the benefits of social fitness. What I loved most is that these women weren't competitive, mean, selfish or jealous. They were a bonded, smiling-laughing group. It was so refreshing to experience.
I have to be candid and say that last night I went to an unrelated fitness event I was invited to in New York City, and there were several fitness bloggers in attendance who were very unfriendly (wouldn't say hello or shake hands) and no one socialized. When I attempted to introduce myself to strike up a conversation, I was quickly shut down. The women there cared only about themselves. I could see silent judging happening as some women looked others up and down without any indication of a smile.
Many events are like this. BUT NOT GIRLS' NIGHT OUT! It's quite the opposite. #NBGNO women come together to support each other and embark on new friendships and exercise regimens. This very concept of Girls Night Out is why I signed on as host and why I stand behind New Balance.
At our last #NBGNO event of the summer, I took my running group of women down by the Hudson River on the West side. There's a modern sculpture along the river park path where we ran called Two Too Large Tables by Allan and Ellen Wexlerand.
Photo credit: allan wexler studio
I was psyched that everyone was on board to take a picture there. I'm not in it because I'm the one behind the camera.
In case you're wondering why it's called TWO Too Large Tables, it's because there's another table right beside the one we posed on. If you haven't seen it in person, I recommend jogging there. It's quite beautiful.
Photo credit: allan wexler studio
We also did push-ups with a view and a restorative yoga stretch session in the grass before running back to the New Balance store in Flatiron.
Back at the store, all the girls got to customize t-shirts and towels, and learn about the new Custom Shoes tool on the New Balance website. Congratzz to Adina Chmiel who won the pair I personally customized!
There's something great about bonding with like-minded soul-sisters. I follow all the women in the pic below on Instagram and Twitter. We've become buddies and support each others' causes. I admire them, love seeing their faces and updates on social media, and feel really lucky to have met them.
If you're looking for a Fit Event that you'll walk away from a richer person, I recommend getting involved with #NBGNO. Hopefully New Balance will bring me back on board in September for a fun series of Fall events and fitness fashion. Don't forget to use the GNO app to organize your group runs and check the #NBGNO calendar for more events HERE!
xoxo, Bianca Jade/Mizzfit