Brooke Villone is part of of VH1's Baseball Wives sassy cast. When I interviewed her, I found out that she's way more than just another reality TV star. She's very sweet and forthcoming about her life and what makes her tick.
CLICK HERE for Brooke Villone's Celebrity Sweat Interview
Find out how Brooke maintains her sexy physique and why she does it. I was most inspired by what she had to say about her hubby, former relief pitcher Ron Villone. He may not have played catcher on the field but he certainly caught a good one!
CLICK HERE for Brooke Villone's Celebrity Sweat Interview
Q.Your celebrity star is rising with VH1\'s new show Baseball Wives. How is life in the spotlight treating you?
Well, I have been modeling since a teenager so I was in the spotlight a lot and always loved it.
Q.As a model, do you have to work hard for your slim physique or does it come naturally?
I am lucky enough to have good genes and be 5'10", however I do work out a lot.
Q.So I take it you've never struggled with your weight?
I have never had an eating disorder and I love to workout. I try to stick to a healthy diet and I workout 5-6 times a week. I do weights, cardio, Yoga and sometimes Zumba. It sometimes is harder to get to the gym as much as I used to before my daughter but running after her is sometimes a workout too!
Q.What classifies you as a fitness fanatic and what helps you stay commited?
I belong to 2 gyms in North NJ near my house. If I’m not in shape I won’t [get modeling] work.
Jennie Finch is part jock, part glamazon, part mom, and 100% Olympian athlete. She's also now an author, making her quite the all-American success story. Read my interview with this blonde fitness-loving bombshell and find out all about her new book Throw Like A Girl and why she was destined to write it.
Q.Jennie, please clear this up for me: what's the difference between softball and baseball?
Basically softball is a bigger ball and we play with smaller dimensions. We pitch underhand while baseball pitchers throw over hand.
Q.Did you ever dream you'd make it to the Olympics? It must've been surreal for you!
Wearing USA across my chest was something I dreamt about for a long long time! Its the biggest stage in sport. A true honor!
Q.At what point did you feel you had really made it as a female baseball star?
There was a moment when I was in college and was asked to pose with Randy Johnson and Curt Schilling for a photo that I just couldn’t believe it was happening. But I have to say that standing alongside my idols like Lisa Fernandez on the gold medal podium in the 2004 Olympics, that was a huge moment for me.
Q.You became somewhat of an athletic sex symbol as you rose to softball stardom. Flattering or not?
For me it was always about being the best...
I present to you the one and only Cassey Ho. She's a YouTube Pilates-Fitness Sensation and a rising fitness apparel & accessory designer. And yes, she actually designed all those bags. Her website Blogilates has gone global and I wouldn't be surprised if she has more followers than Jillian Michaels! I'm telling you, the girl is making a name for herself.
Wanna know what I love about her most?
She makes every day EASY for me because I carry the impeccably functional and stylish oGorgeous gym bag she designed everywhere I go. It's such a hit that all my friends bought it and I frequently get chased down the street by women asking me "where can I get that gym bag?"
Read my interview with Cassey Ho on Celebrity Sweat HERE!
Q.How has being famous online affected your life?
It’s really funny when someone recognizes me on the street or when people start staring and giggling at me but don’t say anything. In fact, it’s kind of weird! On another note, I’ve been able to work with some companies that I’ve been a fan of for years – something I’ve never even dreamed of happening.
Q.How did you get to where you are?
After I graduated from Whitter College in 2009 with a degree in Biology, I moved to Boston to become a fashion buyer for a major corporate retailer. At the same time I was running the oGorgeous line on the side. When one of my bags got featured in SHAPE Magazine, I saw an opportunity to take on my business 100%, so I left my boring 9-5 job. In the process of developing my second collection, I spent my hours at home and at the gym, so I had time to start blogging and YouTubing more.
Q.So what drew you to fitness besides your knack for designing amazing...
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