I promised you I would try it. Here's what happened in my cryotherapy session at KryoLife in NYC. Watch the video above or CLICK HERE!
I'll be honest, it's f***ing cold! But if you want the benefits of the treatment, it's worth enduring the very looooong 3 minutes. I had a camera on me, so I was working really hard to get through it like a champ. IT WAS NOT EASY.
The day I went to film at KryoLife, owned and operated by Joanna Fryben, I was actually feeling significant shoulder pain. So I was genuinely hoping to reap the benefits of whole body cryo and report back to you on how quickly it worked. It wasn't an overnight kind of relief, but the pain did completely go away about a day and half later. In fact, I felt wonderful all over by that time.
Cryotherapy is hailed as a cure-all and people are using it to get rid of all kinds of things like acne, cellulite, unwanted weight, inflammation, depression, libido problems, and body injuries. If you're an athlete or someone who works out a lot, cryotherapy might be the answer to pain brought on by your active lifestyle. It's worth a try and definitely a unique experience. It is said that a 3-minute session can blast up to 800 calories and you'll feel a crazy amount of energy right afterward. I went to a HIIT workout about an hour after my cryo session and felt incredible!
You might have heard of the unfortunate casualty in Nevada where a young woman passed away doing cryotherapy. I don't want this to scare you off from trying it. Sadly, the girl (who worked at the cryo salon where she died) went into the chamber alone without a monitor, meaning there was no one there to supervise her session. Had she been monitored like I was, she wouldn't have died. Most cyro studios practice safe whole body treatments, so you can rest assured you will be in good hands, especially if you go to KryoLife in New York City.
I hope you enjoyed watching my video. Please leave any questions in the comments section below and let me know what other wellness trends you'd like me to feature for you in 2016. And since I haven't said it yet, HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's gonna be great one for us all, I just know it! xoxo, Bianca Jade