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What to Do on Bad Workout Days | Training Rescue 101
There are days when you walk into the gym feeling fantastic, expecting your first squat PR in months, or just eager to do your routine for the day, and somehow your entire plan crumbles to bits. On the other hand, sometimes you know even before you hit the mat that no asana will feel right, or you’re just too sore from the previous workout, and your body refuses to cooperate.
Whichever scenario sounds most familiar, chances are you’ve had your share of bad workout days, and you’d gladly forget all about them. However, there are some simple ways you can adjust your workout on those bleak days and still make the most out of your fitness routine!
Define Progress
Even though it’s healthy to be competitive with yourself and strive to overcome your current abilities, progress is rarely, if ever, linear. It has many important aspects, including learning the mechanics of a movement, increasing your endurance or strength, or pushing your body further into a...
Working with Alex's Lemonade Stand + Win Tickets to Lemon NYC Culinary Event!
I always love sharing a heart warming story...although I must admit this one makes me tear up every time I talk about it even though it has a happy ending. Alex Scott is a little girl who had cancer all her life until the age of 8 when she passed away. During her fight with cancer she created a lemonade stand to raise money and awareness for cancer research that helped children like herself.
She created an incredible movement that was all over the news and in publications near and far. Other children and families joined in, creating their own lemonade stands to follow in Alex's footsteps. Sadly, Alex couldn't beat her disease (this is the part that hurts) but she left behind a legacy of goodwill, love and dedication for her vision that lives on as the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation and Alex's Million Mile.
When I was approached about working with Alex's foundation, I immediately said YES. The story completely moved me and I felt like Alex handpicked me to share her...
My Go-to Gluten-Free Snack + GIVEAWAY
Hey guys! Lately on my instagram, I've been confessing to how big of a snacker I am.
As a kid I always had a sweet tooth. As an adult, I still have it. I'm also the type of person who doesn't like big meals. I prefer to eat smaller portions consistently throughout the day. It's called "grazing". I'm sure you've heard the term before.
As a grazer, I've really had to be careful because you can get yourself into trouble eating a lot of unhealthy snacks. So I'm writing this blog post today to share one of my favorite guilt-free gluten-free snacks with you that's so easy to take wherever you go. I say this because I feel like I'm always on-the-go (as I'm sure you are) and it's often hard to package healthy snacks made of natural ingredients.
These are Sejoyia Coco-Roons, made with real coconut and cashew flour!
They look great on my scooter, don't they? Keep reading for ingredients, info on where to buy them (with a promo deal) and how to win them through my easy...
SodaStream Recipes You Need To Try!
If you don't have a SodaStream in your life, you need to get one! I'm obsessed with mine but I have to admit that I got on the train a little late in life. I wish I had purchased one much sooner! So, I put together these recipes with the help of SodaStream to inspire everyone to reject the vending machine and all those delicious looking sugary drinks that get advertised to us all summer long. I know they look good on billboards and in commercials but so many carbonated drinks and sodas are loaded with sugar and sodium.
I kid you not that my SodaStream has become a healthy replacement tool. You can make your own fizzy drinks without the huge calorie intake. If you already have a SodaStream, you know what I'm talking about (just skip ahead to the recipes below). Drinks loaded with sodium (that seem to be lower in calories or have zero) will most often make you feel bloated and sluggish. Not good if you're trying to lose weight! The opposite will happen! Your body will hold onto...
How I Decide What to Put In My Boxes | The Bianca Jade Quarterly Box
I get this question a lot: How do you decide what to put in your subscription boxes? Well, it's easy! I simply put the things I absolutely love inside each mailing. Buuuuuuuut, each individual item selected also has to be relevant to industry trends and achieving physical results. I test EVERYTHING on myself first, research the item profusely and determine whether it is something that will enhance the lives of my subscribers but also immediately win them over as they're opening the box. I want them to come to expect great surprises and not be able to contain their excitment and curiosity from the minute the box is delivered. So, even though it's's also very hard. It's the reason why my team takes 3 months to plan and design each mailing. Just figuring out the theme of the box can take a while, too, because I want to come up with something that will resonate with my subscribers. I realize that it's a box based on the things I personally love and use but I...
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