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AELLA Duster Jacket + $100 Gift Card Giveaway
I was dying for a duster jacket so when I spotted AELLA Collection's Convertible Duster, I knew I had to have it! I've worn it every day since getting it and have been stopped on the street by people way more fashionable than me to compliment me on it, so I figured I'd blog about it and see what you guys think. It's literally the most perfect jacket for spring weather, keeping me warm on chilly overcast days but cool enough on sunny days. It literally flows as you walk, doesn't wrinkle and couldn't be more convenient for travel. I took it with me to Hawaii--it saved my life in the cold airports and plane but also came in handy on windy beach nights. I'm just going to cut to the chase because this is really exciting! I'm giving away a $100 shopping card for AELLA, towards the purchase of my beloved duster jacket or anything else that catches your eye from the collection. AELLA makes clothing for women who are going places. Their collection is designed for the empowered...
What happened to my eye??? #Chalazion
Hey guys, so last weekend I had the worst thing happen to my eye. For some reason the glands in my eyes decided to act up and stop working normally. The reason for this is still unknown but I'll get into that later. The backup created a huge "chalazion" on my eyelid (also called a hordeolum), which caused me so much pain and discomfort over the course of a week. The inflammation made it nearly impossible to open my eye and it was sore to the touch--like someone punched me in the eye socket. I could barely touch it with my fingertip without wanting to cry. I tried to wait it out because everyone was telling me I just had a stye. I totally appreciated receiving everyone's recommendations. I think the apple cider vinegar, boric acid and hot compress tips were all wonderful but my situation was too far gone for these remedies to heal. Plus, those hot compresses hurt so bad! I ended up at urgent care where I didn't get the right treatment but at least I got a few doctor...
Summer Body Revival #MIZ15
Let's talk about summer.'s not officially here yet, but it's time to prep. I know you know what it feels like to try on that new bikini or pair of short shorts. Your body kind of rejects it, right? It's like the hottest summer essentials that every magazine is telling you to buy suddenly feel more unforgiving than necessary. But that's quickly fixed. It's just a matter of thinking ahead. There's a transition period we have to go through. If you embrace it, your skin won't seem as pale and you won't be as hesistant to show off your figure. Layers be gone! Trust me, I go through this every year myself and it's the reason I decided to tackle the problem with my newest Quarterly Box #MIZ15. I want every woman to love her summer body at the start of summer. I mean, why can't that be possible, right? Personally, I've made up my mind to feel INCREDIBLE from Day 1 and I'm inviting you to join me. I've chosen amazing products for the Mizzfit Box inspired by recent...
Falling In Love w/ St. Thomas
Hey guys! Last year in December, I had the greatest opportunity to visit Saint Thomas in the US Virgin Islands. I'd never been before and I was so excited to be going somwhere warm and tropical. The purpose of my trip was to try out some fun activities offered by The Frenchman's Reef and Morning Star Marriott Beach Resort. Specifically, Night Kayaking and SUP Yoga. It's quite special that a beach resort prides itself on attractions like these so I enthusiastically flew to Saint Thomas to experience them. My direct flight was an easy 4 hours from New York. Please watch both video journals below from my Mizzfit Video YouTube channel to see what transpired :) Beyond the night kayaking and sup yoga, which were fantastic (obviously!), there was so much more to do both on the resort and off. My favorite area on the resort was the Morning Star side, which had its hotel quarters styled like a little beach town. Unfortunately I was not staying on this side of the resort,...
How I Started My Subscription Box Business
This blog post has been sitting in my blogging queue for a few months now and has even accidentally posted a few times, ooops! The truth is that I was so busy working on my current Quarterly Box #MIZ15, which ships out at the end of this week, that I kept putting off writing this. I started the blog post 3 months ago. Shame on me. Bad blogger, bad! The subscription box that I curate for Quarterly Co is inspired by my lifestyle and love for fitness. It is my passion project and a top priority for me. Until it's under wraps and finalized, sometimes I don't have a second to breathe. It's imperative that the finished product is just the way I imagined it (or way better) before it ships out to women across the world. With that said, I can comfortably share that curating a subscription mailing or what we call a "subbox" for short, is a lot of work. But it's also a whole lot of fun too! If you're juggling different jobs or a few operations within your business (like me), it...
My 2 Weeks in Maui
I went to Mau with Joe! AKA my instagram husband. I go to Hawaii every year in the spring and I make a point of going to a different island each year. I guess you could say I'm a tad obsessed but it's impossible not to be once you visit Hawaii for the first time (no matter which island you land on). You will fall in love with the island culture and aloha spirit, especially if you're stimulated by nature, beaches, water sports, the BEST food and super chill people.
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It’s part muse, part news, and a whole lot of community. Let’s navigate this crazy wellness world together! Get all my healthy living, beauty, style and travel tips! Learn about my latest discoveries, from innovations in fitness to skincare technology & anti-aging. Not only will I share what products, services and experiences I’m loving for head to toe wellness, I’ll help you get access to them and guide you through decisions like only a best friend could. This is where you want to stay connected with me for events, deals, giveaways, retreats, and updates on projects I’m working on just for you! See that box below? That’s where the magic happens.