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My Top 5 Tips for SUP | Stand Up Paddle Boarding
I've been stand up paddle boarding for YEARS to the point that I feel like a pro. It took many attempts and lots of practice to reach my level of comfort. It's really all about getting used to the dynamics of the board and how your body feels on it. Keep in mind everyone's different. Some people don't take to SUP or think it's boring. I think it can be an exciting and super intense workout depending on your path, wind and the turbulence of the water.
My experience with SUP has been different in every location where I've jumped on a board--from calm to choppy waters. It's one of my favorite workouts because once you get the hang of it, you can relax and enjoy the view in a way you can't with other sports.
Here are my 5 Top Tips for SUP
1. Watch and get a sense of the ocean or whatever body of water you’re about to enter. Rough waters can be really tricky if you’re new to SUP. They can also be really fun! Like paddling on the Hudson River, which is ridiculous with all...
How to Live with Eczema and Be Happy
I've never been shy about having eczema. approached me to be in their videos about ecema because they found a Youtube video I made years ago about having it. I think the condition scares a lot of people who don't know much about it because (1) it's a funny (if not ominous) sounding name for a skin problem with (2) no discoverable cure. Let me say this right off the bat: I have great skin! I've never suffered from bad acne, don't burn too easily in the sun and I'm not extremely sensitive when it comes to trying all kinds of skincare products. My skin has been a joy to live in for 30+ years. But occassionally, I will develop a terrible dry rash on my hands, feet, arms, legs and stomach which makes it difficult to move through my day without distraction, irritation and frustration from not being able to satisfy the itch. This is eczema and this is my story. Interestingly enough, eczema presents itself differently on different bodies. I have a type...
Pur Attitude Anti-aging Skincare Review
My first taste of Pur Attitude's skincare collection came about when I received their Face Lift Gel in a New Beauty TestTube mailing (I've been a subscriber for years). I loved the packaging because you can actually see the product inside and know how much you start off with and how much is left as you use it. I'm picky about things like this when it comes to skincare because it seems like a lot of brands try to hide their product behind fancy packaging. It's the product that should be speaking for itself, right? I emailed Pur Attitude and asked if they'd send me a few of their products I was most curious about. As you know, I'm always looking out for the best wellness products for you, especially when it comes to my Quarterly Box mailings, which ALWAYS include fit skincare. I really love how the Face Lift Gel I got from New Beauty's TestTube (great for applying before you do your makeup) made my face feel really tight upon application but I wanted to try some of their other...
10 Benefits of Morning Exercise
-- This is guest blog written by Luke Douglas -- In addition to the typical nine-to-five schedule of most people who train in the evening and late afternoon, very few people are eager to rise and shine before dawn to hit the gym for the sheer joy of morning workouts. However, you might want to reconsider your daily routine and switch for the early bird philosophy, because kick-starting your day with physical activity might surprise you with all its perks! 1. It’s a metabolism boost Any form of exercise is excellent for increasing your metabolism rate, but if you turn it into a morning ritual in addition to your delicious butter Coffee Blocks, your body will be able to get into the “up and running” mode much faster, allowing you much more energy for the rest of your daily challenges. 2. You’ll burn more fat If you decide to rise early and start your routine even before breakfast, a Northumbria University study has shown...
Prescription Problems Solved for my Shoulder Injury
I have a shoulder injury :( and it's something I've been working through for nearly a year. I started noticing the pain during my workouts but just thought it was some kind of exercise soreness. Then the area started to ache when I wasn't working out and I knew something was wrong. Even sleeping became incredibly painful. A few doctors and an MRI later, I found out that it was a SLAP tear, an injury specific to the labrum in the shoulder which surrounds the socket of the shoulder joint. In the fitness world, this injury is actually quite common. It requires that you stop all high intensity training, let it heal and then begin physical therapy or post-injury training. My doctor prescribed me Meloxicam for the inflammation and I also received 2 cortisone shots to reduce the pain. It's a very slow road to recovery and 3 months into it, I thought the pain would never end. But it's gotten so much better and I can definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel now (9 months...
I Went Sulfate Free for My Hair + How I Organize My Shower
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #FreeOfSulfates #CollectiveBias I recently had a treatment done to relax the natural frizziness in my hair that becomes a problem for me in the summer. My hair cooperates beautifully in the winter but it’s not a fan of humidity. The treatment I get done at my salon is great because it makes my hair smoother and more manageable to style. Most importantly, I can wear down in the hot weather without it turning into an uncontrollable frizzy mess. It has definitely cut my blow drying time in half too! My stylist informed me that the treatment required “upkeep”. In order to keep it active, I would have to make some changes to my daily routine, like going sulfate free with all my hair products. This was initially very frustrating because I already owned so many hair care products that I’d now have to replace but considering the treatment was costly ($400!!!) it only...
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