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Get Your Workout Party Started With This Playlist

Are you planning your next big Girls Night Out?

Craving a gathering that doesn't end with a raging headache the next morning? Search no further! Spa Workout Parties are totally trending for a reason: they're the perfect way to spend quality time with your clique while waking up the next AM feeling totally energized.

Bianca Jade, founder of MizzFIT, hosted the perfect Sweaty Saturday Birthday Party at Exhale Spa at the Gansevoort Hotel in NYC.  She invited Team MizzFIT and 25 of her besties to get sweaty in instructor Rachel Nicks's Core Fusion class.

This is me, stretching and posing for the camera of course (in my new Lululemon Run Crops with the gorge pattern called "spring has sprung"), right before class started:

Here's a shot of the action from class:

Core Fusion is great for toning and building lean muscle. Find out more about it HERE.

After we got our sweat on in class, Bianca treated us to some delicious sushi and snacks from TOY...

Not Your Typical Hard Partying DJ: Lindsay Luv Spins Fitness & Health And Doesn't Miss A Beat

DJ Lindsay Luv defies the usual stereotype of the late night, hard partying DJ by...(wait for it) a super healthy lifestyle. Surprised? I was. Most DJ's spin hard and play hard with little concern for tone and burn. But DJ Lindsay Luv doesn't miss a beat or a workout. She's famously known for being a  DJ to the stars and has been dubbed "Turntable Goddess" by Victoria's Secret where you can hear her music playing at all the big events including the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.

I was lusting for an interview and what I found when I contacted her was that Lindsay was as ecstatic to talk about her fitness lifestyle as she was her musical work. How cool is that?  Check out my interview with DJ Lindsay Luv below, with links to her latest workout mixes featured at Lucille Roberts gyms.

Lindsay, you're seriously crushing the DJ scene. How did you get into DJing and what did you do before this?

DJ Lindsay Luv: My background was...

Remember When...Gwen Stefani Showed Us That Girls Doing Push-Ups Was Cool?

Remember when Gwen Stefani busted out push-ups, like up above?

And checkout this push-up competition between Gwen and a fan on stage during one of her concerts!

What's so inspiring is that she's kept it up all these years: 18 years later!

(Photo courtesy of Getty Images (source)

If you need to spruce up your push-up routine, here's a move from FitSugar that I love to make your basic push-up even harder. Just grab a resistance band!

What's your favorite kind of push-up?

Tell me in the comments section below!


Lindsey Vonn Talks Fitness Fashion and Running. But Will Her Romance with Tiger Woods Last?

I interviewed Olympic Ski Racer Lindsey Vonn who couldn't have been sweeter or more sporty chic in person. (Yes, that's me--the short one--with her in the pic above.)  She may be the apple of Tiger Wood's eye right now but based upon what she told me, she's in love with fitness fashion. Check out my interview with Lindsey Vonn and weigh in on whether you think her relationship with Tiger will make him a changed man. 

*** Lindsey Vonn Talks Fitness Fashion ***

ME: Lindsey, when you're getting ready to train or hit the gym, how do you put your fit look together?

Lindsey Vonn: I'm really obsessed with color coordinating everything. So head to toe, it has to match with my bag...with my shoes...with everything. I love Under Armour's tank tops because they allow you to double up. I love neon colors. 

ME: What do you feel the most comfortable wearing for your hardest workouts?

Lindsey Vonn: I generally wear short shorts to the gym because I feel...

Stylish, Palatable Vitamins Have Arrived! Sized Perfectly for Your Gym Bag.


Grossness Be Gone!

Y'know that feeling of biting into a chalky vitamin tablet or forcing yourself to swallow a giant capsule filled with who knows what? It's miserable! But now you can spare your taste buds from this ruthless vita-massacre with Nature Made's NEW VITAMELTS. I flew to Southern California to taste-test and make sure they'd melt in my mouth, and let me tell you, my taste buds got their mojo back! If you're a fit lady on-the-go, you're gonna want to know about Vitamelts.

So that's a Vitamelt you see above, held by a scientist at Nature Made's lab and packaging facility that I visited in Valencia, California. Yeah, I actually got to roam the halls of Nature Made and see how they create, test and perfect their vitamin lines for their global consumers. It was pretty cool for me to see this side of the vitamin world because as a vitamin-taker what I previously knew about vitamins was limited to things I'd read in magazines, health tutorials, on...

Need Workout Music? The Jane Doze Will Mix Some Up For You! Totally FREE downloads!!!


I'm completely addicted to working out to The Jane Doze.

I dare you to walk down the street or hit up your workout without feeling super energized when listening to their music. You've got to find out about these girls (The Jane Doze = Jen + Claire) because their mashup mixes will kick your workout into high gear. Plus I know you're getting tired of listening to that same mix you've had on your iphone forever.

Since their 2 years of getting together, The Jane Doze are on fire. They've had over 3.8 million YouTube/Vimeo views and over 1.4 million Soundcloud listens. Their first mix tape Girls Talk had 400,000 streams and 60,000 downloads. Lots of big numbers for just a couple of years on the scene.



My exclusive interview with the "Janes" (really Jen and Claire) about their music, style and FITNESS!


Sari Beth: I'm obsessed with your...

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