Last year's trends are yesterday's news. You've got to trade what's OUT for what's IN. Check out my updates on popular fitness trends and why you should be following them...because as I always say, they WILL motivate you to hit the gym and get in shape. In my opinion, summer is the best time to work out! Don't wait a second longer.
Watch my segment (above) or right here ---> from Good Morning, Arizona! Below you'll find info and links to all 5 trends. Enjoy!
Tribal Tats are OUT
Tribal Prints on Activewear are IN
Unless your under the age of 15 its time to toss out those Tribal Tats (y'know, those silver and gold temporary tattoos) and trade them in for some activewear with tribal patterns from Teeki, which let you express yourself with all the fun symbolism of those temp tats but in a more funky, age appropriate way. I personally love the Phoenix Rising collection.
Grippy Socks are OUT
Grippy Shoes are IN
Grippy socks for barre and pilates workouts are totally OUT but so is going barefoot and exposing your feet to all kinds germs. Now, it's all about grippy shoes that you can easily slip into. The bonus is you don't need to constantly wash them (like socks) as they actually let your feet breathe. New Balance's new grippy shoe called the NB Studio Skin is stylish, functional, molds to your feet and won't let you slip in your favorite core classes. Plus you'll look like a pro who knows what's up.
Fold Over Yoga Pants are OUT
High Rise Leggings are IN
There's no more accidental butt crack sightings due to dangerously low waistbands because more women are rocking the style that's IN, which are high rise pants with wider waist bands. Not only do they help hold in and provide coverage for the tummy but they also elongate the torso and look great with crop style tops and sporty bra-lettes. Many low rise yoga pants and leggings also have a tendency to dig in at the most unflattering spot on your midsection, giving you a "muffin top". Uhhh, NO THANKS! High waist leggings help you avoid this and even define that area to be more flattering during your workout. My favorite high rise leggings can be found over at Emily Hsu Designs and if you sign up for her newsletter, she's always having great SALES!
Padded Inserts in your Sports Bras are OUT
Bras with the Boobs Built-in are IN
Those pesky padded inserts are so annoying. You have to remove them when you wash the bra, and they always get lost and bent out of shape in the laundry. And then, you spend more time than you want squeezing them into the pockets of your bra. What a hassle! Sports Bras made with shaping are the new thing. Champion's Power Shape Bra literally comes with boobs built inside so all you have to do is put it on to get a great shape, support and lift.
Duffle-style Nylon Gym Bags are OUT
Structured "Transitional" Gym Totes are IN
Transitional bags have the duality of work & play. They fit all your fitness gear but you don't have to hide your bag when you meet your friends for brunch or run errands, because it's incredibly stylish and an amazing accent piece. The High Tide Tote by Kestrel has a coated canvas on the outside which is so easy to clean and can get wet without damage. The leather straps make it more sophisticated. No one will know it's your gym bag or that anything potentially stinky is inside!
Hope you liked these trends. Leave a comment below on your favorite or add a trend update that you're spotting. Thanks! xoxo, Bianca Jade