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More NBGNO Events in USA!

I love when good things never die! I'm happy to report that Girls' Night Out events (#NBGNO) will continue to pop up across the country and eventually circle back to New York City in September. The next one is in Santa Monica on Wednesday, August 27th at 6.30pm at the NB Store on 2600 Wilshire Boulevard. Hosting the Girls' Night Out campaign for New Balance was one of the highlights of my summer. I got to work out and connect with so many amazing women who believe in the benefits of social fitness. What I loved most is that these women weren't competitive, mean, selfish or jealous. They were a bonded, smiling-laughing group. It was so refreshing to experience. I have to be candid and say that last night I went to an unrelated fitness event I was invited to in New York City, and there were several fitness bloggers in attendance who were very unfriendly (wouldn't say hello or shake hands) and no one socialized. When I attempted to introduce myself to strike up a...

Bianca Jade Quarterly Box

I have a box with Quarterly and you should sign up! Every 3 months, I will send you a package of wonderful things to make you stronger, healthier & fashionably fit. I can't tell you what comes inside each box because it's meant to be a surprise but if you follow me on social media, I'm constantly dropping hints and giving sneak peeks as I handpick products for you in the categories of fitness, health, beauty and fashion. I always send along a detailed note to describe the theme of each package and the meaning behind each item inside. I call them my "Style Up 2 Shape Up" boxes. I design each Style Up 2 shape Up box to: Introduce you to emerging trends before anyone else Give your current health & fitness routine a boost Inject style into your regimen Make your workout even more convenient by sending it straight to your doorstep and giving you workouts you can do at home or on the road Enhance...

Shocking Health Tips on Skincare to Vajayjays!

Boy, have I got some great info to share with ya! These health topics are HOT and in no way normal, which is why I like 'em and can't wait to hear your thoughts. So be sure to comment on what you like, dislike or just can't imagine doing (in the comments section at the end). Before I start, full disclosure... I've tried and tested the skincare tips ONLY. The rest, I'm very open to but have not yet tried only because the treatments were not made available to me. For the record, I did ask. But since all these topics are trending, I feel it's my duty to spread the word. As a human guinea pig (which I commonly call myself), I'm pretty much game to try anything. So you never know what I'll stick into my feet or up my vajayjay tomorrow! That was meant to be a joke...kind of. Hope you laughed. Watch the video above (click the image) or keep reading for more detailed info than I was able to provide in 4-minutes on the Great Day St. Louis show. I promise you it's worth the...

Need A Push? Advice? This Box Will Empower You!

This is the box I would've given myself in 2007 when I was really lost. Both lost inside myself and career-wise. I'm really excited to share it with my subscribers and newcomers because it's packed with advice and actions that I found during my course of self-discovery and re-invention. Box #MIZ04 is READY TO GO! If you didn't already know, I have a Fitness Fashion Trend Box with Quarterly Co. And I'm pretty stoked right now because Box #MIZ04 is in production after 2 months of designing and perfecting it. For this upcoming box, I wanted to share how I got my big idea to create and leave the corporate world behind. I'm sure a lot of you have found yourself in a slump before or maybe you're in one now. Whether it's health/fitness or career related, I understand and want to share what worked for me so we can get you moving in a new, forward direction! The theme of #MIZ04 is Work Out Your Passion. Expect to find not only fitness goodies in...

Berry Good Popsicle Recipe - Dairy Free!

Last summer around this time, I went dairy-free. It hasn't been easy and I've definitely veered here and there but I feel much better when I limit my dairy intake. So I'm constantly creating "food projects" for myself to stay inspired to live dairy-free. Not gonna lie...I'm not a frequent cook but I do like eating yummy stuff. The simpler, the faster, THE BETTER! Check out my homemade recipe for Berry Good Popsicles using the new Unsweetened Silk Almond Coconut Blend milk that literally just arrived in grocery stores. I'm even gonna hook you up with a coupon at the end of this post (for all you coupon-istas out there). Hey, no shame in a coupon. Here's what you'll need: NEW Silk Almond Coconut Blend milk in Unsweetened 8 large, fresh strawberries 8 frozen strawberries 1/2 cup fresh blueberries 1/2 banana 2 tbsp honey Popsicle tray maker (I got a little fancy and bought mine at the Sur La Tabla...

Sneaker Giveaway + Last NBGNO Hurrah

Parting will be such sweet sorrow for me as New Balance has its last Girls' Night Out event of the summer in New York City this upcoming Thursday night. As the GNO host and emcee, it's been so much fun being a part of this genius movement and I'm happy to pass the baton off as #NBGNO heads west! For all of you in the Midwest and West Coast, be on the lookout for Girls' Night Out events heading toward ya in the next few months! New York women, listen up! Before it's too late, RSVP to come join me for our last hurrah. Click this link to sign up and find more info below... On Thursday, if you come, you'll see the comraderie and care that has grown between our regular attendees. Not only do women work out together at our events, they support each other to become stronger in many aspects of life and business. I love this pic of two #NBGNO women hugging--such a special moment captured by our event photographer. Self-expression and my New Balance custom sneaker...

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It’s part muse, part news, and a whole lot of community. Let’s navigate this crazy wellness world together! Get all my healthy living, beauty, style and travel tips! Learn about my latest discoveries, from innovations in fitness to skincare technology & anti-aging. Not only will I share what products, services and experiences I’m loving for head to toe wellness, I’ll help you get access to them and guide you through decisions like only a best friend could. This is where you want to stay connected with me for events, deals, giveaways, retreats, and updates on projects I’m working on just for you! See that box below? That’s where the magic happens.