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It's Fall. And Of Course, I'm Falling For...


Summer's closing shop. Dangit! But Fall ain't so bad. From fitness to epiphanies on random stuff in my life, here's my short list of what I'm "falling for" this Fall season. It's not your average list so I sincerely hope something on it will help carry your health goals far.



1. Yoga...'cause it's gonna save the world.

I'm not even kidding. It's what my next article is about. The suspense! I've been doing yoga for 10 years and, yes, it's taken me that long to realize it's the ONLY workout that re-aligns me and makes me smarter and better at navigating my non-fitness life. You should really try it. Or you can wait to read more about it when I post next. But the main reason I'm falling for it after 10 years strong is because it's an amazing mind-body workout that I like to think of as therapy. I can't afford a real therapist anymore. Sessions can cost $300 plus a pop! Yoga will cost you $20.

I'm wearing adidas...

What's Wonderful About Wanderlust and Why I'd Go Back Again

The Wanderlust Festival Turned 5 This Summer (2013)

It was finally my time to go. So I headed out to the festival in Copper Mountain, Colorado. Not gonna lie, I was fresh off a breakup, looking to jet far out of town for some air and space. Sometimes you just need to get away. But I wasn't expecting the weekend I ended up having. You can walk through life or you can flow through it. Check out Wanderlust through my lens in case you're thinking about going next year...

So Just A Little Background...

It was the start of July and I was coming off a relationship that had been doomed since February. I was tired and sick...sick of not being happy. I figured a work-trip mixed with a little forced romance would soothe my soul. Doesn't it always? I set off to report on the "fitness fashion happening at Wanderlust" with my press pass and a former ex-boyfriend turned friend (with benefits) in tow. What can I say? He was game.

We arrived to Copper Mountain as star-crossed...

Hey Runners! KLINGG Holds Your "Buds" Tight.

I pretty much detest all magnets especially the fridge poetry variety but KLINGG has won me over. It's a sportswear grip magnet made for gym-goers, runners, cyclers and skaters to secure earbuds from fallout and earphone wires from becoming a nuisance.

I needed a KLINGG badly as I have a favorite pair of earbuds that fit perfectly in my ears but have wires that are rather long, tangle up and then smack me in the neck during my runs. It drives me insane but my new KLINGG ($19.95) is now taking care of the problem.

No joke, it's a strong magnet and stays put through high-impact fitness. If you take your buds out, just stick them to the sides of the KLINGG. They magnetize too! The KLINGG's hold on your earphone wires makes for a seamless fit look and smooth workout without interruption to your playlist. It comes in great colors for both men and women and I can't endorse this little genius device enough! I'm training with it for my 2013 marathon!

Pickup Your Routine By Embracing YOLO! 5 Tips To Boost Your Healthy Lifestyle.


You only live once (YOLO). It's a powerful concept that can make you do some pretty crazy things (brace yourself), like be more spontaneous, adventurous and fulfilled. I needed a little YOLO in my life, in terms of fitness, romance and learning a new thing or 2. How about you? When's the last time you put yourself outside your comfort zone? Here's how I did it, with some fitness fashion thrown in...



The Dodge Ram you see below (in desperate need of a car wash) lives in Saint Louis, Missouri with my family. I happen to be visiting there right now. This truck used to drive me crazy. It's way too big for me. Drives like a boat. It's definitely NOT my style. And it makes backing out of a parking spot in just about any parking lot nearly impossible. But what the heck, YOLO!!!

When I pull up to a yoga studio or when my Saint Louis friends see me driving by, the reaction is fantastic. I'm not-a-big-person driving a...

To Bling or Not To Bling At the Gym: A Case For Working Out In Jewelry (Playlist Included!)


I ran for the Varsity Cross Country and Track and Field teams for Summit High School (Go Hilltoppers!) and Columbia University (Roar Lions Roar!). Jewelry was banned in these sports. That meant I couldn't wear my lucky "Sari" necklace that I'd been wearing since the 5th grade (Carrie Bradshaw totally copied my look!). It's been a few  years (haha) since college and I'm no longer forced to follow these strict style restrictions when I work out. Which brings me to the question: to bling or not to bling at the gym?

When it comes to running and working out I never take off my "Sari" nameplate necklace, the single pearl necklace and Italian horn necklace that adorn my neck no matter what! Even though they often turn into a tangled mess at the end of a particularly speedy run, I kind of relish untangling my necklaces as I cool down after my run. I like keeping these three special necklaces close to my heart when running or working out. This is my...

Just Like Anything, Jumping Rope Can Get Boring. Watch This Video & Change That!

Workouts get boring just like everything else in life!

But you can change that. The CBS morning show Live From The Couch asked me to show them (and YOU) how to spice up an exercise like jumping rope. I did 2 things: I found some killer ropes and I choreographed a jumping routine. I want you to try it!

Watch my appearance on CBS Live From The Couch:


My only regret is that I could not showcase my entire epic routine!

I have to admit it was a tad long and maybe too advanced for John Elliot, the host who "tried" to jump with me and Carlos. But that doesn't mean you can't do it!

Here's the routine written out for you with the footwork instructions:

Start with a basic skip of 5 regular hops with both feet together

5 shuffle hops, bouncing from one foot to the other

5 wider-stepped shuffle hops, going from one foot to the other

5 double foot side to side hops

5 jumps with both feet together forwards and backwards

5 kick-backs...

live feed

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